Boeke Courts (closed until May 1, 2025)
Outdoor open play at Boeke is “free” for Anchorage Pickleball members, non-members pay $10 per day. All children must sit on bleachers and be supervised. Please leave your pets in your car or at home. Become a member for $25 annual dues for adults and $15 annual dues for juniors.
Skill level - Beginner 2.0-2.49, Intermediate 2.50-2.99
Registration opens at 12:00 noon for the following events on:
All Intro and Beginner Clinics are open for registration
April 7 - Beginner Shuffle (5/14)
Detailed description of events CLICK HERE!
List of Events
MARCH 2025
Sunday, 2 - Spring Beginner to Intermediate Ladder League (8 weeks 3/2-4/27 skipping Easter)
5-7 pm - O’Malley Sports Center - $65 for members. Read description at top of this page. You will be assigned a court with 4 other players and play with each player. Based on your game score will determine if you move up to the next higher court or down to the lower court for the next week. CLOSED/FULL CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS A SUB . DO NOT PAY UNTIL WE CONTACT YOU TO PLAY
Sunday, 16 - Beginner Clinic (pre-requisite must have taken an Intro Clinic)
12-2 pm - Arctic Recreation Center - $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Read description at top of this page. In this clinic you will learn both forehand/backhand strokes, grips, footwork and some drills to take away and work on. CLOSED/FULL CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS A ALTERNATE . DO NOT PAY UNTIL WE CONTACT YOU TO PLAY
Sunday, 16/23 - Progressive Session with Tony Lee
5-7 pm - O’Malley Sports Center - $70 for members ($35/hr). In this 2 hour session you will improve your technique and knowledge by working on footwork, top spin, forehand, backhand, 3rd shot drop, and resets. Learn to dink with a purpose so you can level up your game. 4 slots available. To register and pay contact Tony directly at tonyleepickleball@gmail or text to 529-0051.
Saturday, 22 - 5 Week Drill Sessions with Tony Lee (2 hrs/5 wks 3/22-5/2 skipping 4/19)
9-11 am - Arctic Recreation Center - $300 for members ($30/hr). In these sessions you will learn the most current techniques used in pickleball today. We will cover topspin, forehand, backhand, proper footwork, dinking with a purpose, 3rd shot drops, understanding transition zone, serve and service return.. The information you learn in this class will improve your knowledge and skill. 4 slots available. To register and pay contact Tony directly at tonyleepickleball@gmail or text to 529-0051.
Sunday, 23 - Intro to Pickleball
12-2 pm - Arctic Recreation Center - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. CLOSED/FULL CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS AN ALTERNATE . DO NOT PAY UNTIL WE CONTACT YOU
Sunday, 30/4-6 - Progressive Session with Tony Lee
5-7 pm - O’Malley Sports Center - $70 for members ($35/hr). In this 2 hour session you will improve your technique and knowledge by working on footwork, top spin, forehand, backhand, 3rd shot drop, and resets. Learn to dink with a purpose so you can level up your game. 4 slots available. To register and pay contact Tony directly at tonyleepickleball@gmail or text to 529-0051.
APRIL 2025
Sunday, 13 - Intro to Pickleball
12-2 pm - Arctic Recreation Center - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 15 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SPOT
Sunday, 13/27 (skipping Easter) - Progressive Session with Tony Lee
5-7 pm - O’Malley Sports Center - $70 for members ($35/hr). In this 2 hour session you will improve your technique and knowledge by working on footwork, top spin, forehand, backhand, 3rd shot drop, and resets. Learn to dink with a purpose so you can level up your game. 4 slots available. To register and pay contact Tony directly at tonyleepickleball@gmail or text to 529-0051.
NEW Sat 26 - Transport equipment from Tope Storage to Boeke Shed
12 noon . - Tope Storage, Raspberry and Arctic. - Need players with trucks to help move pickleball equipment from Tope Storage to Boeke shed for summer play. Need labors to meet at Boeke Shed to off load equipment. Players with trucks meet at Tope Storage, labors meet at Boeke Shed. Questions contact Robin at 602-339-9914.
MAY 2025
Tuesday, 6 - Beginner Clinic (pre-requisite must have taken an Intro Clinic or know how to play)
6-8 pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Read description at top of this page. In this clinic you will learn both forehand/backhand strokes, grips, footwork and some drills to take away and work on. 16 slots available CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS. PAYENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRAITON TO SECURE YOUR SPOT
Thursday, 8 - Intro to Pickleball
6-8- pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 16 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SLOT
NEW Wed, 14 - Beginner Shuffle (15 weeks 5/14-8/13 skipping 5/21)
6-8 pm - Romig Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $50 14 weeks of shuffle, come and go as you need. Register as an individual and play timed games and then “shuffle” to play with another partner.. We will not keep track of who is coming or not, just show up when you can play. We will allow drop ins, show up and if there is space, you can play for $5 members, $10 non-members. 24 slots available and registration will open on April 7.
JUNE 2025
Thursday, 19 - Intro to Pickleball
6-8- pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 16 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SLOT
Thursday, 26 - Beginner Clinic (pre-requisite must have taken an Intro Clinic or know how to play)
6-8 pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Read description at top of this page. In this clinic you will learn both forehand/backhand strokes, grips, footwork and some drills to take away and work on. 16 slots available CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS. PAYENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRAITON TO SECURE YOUR SPOT
JULY 2025
Saturday, 19 - Intro to Pickleball
11-1- pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 16 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SLOT
Thursday, 7 - Intro to Pickleball
6-8- pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 16 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SLOT
Thursday, 14 - Beginner Clinic (pre-requisite must have taken an Intro Clinic or know how to play)
6-8 pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Read description at top of this page. In this clinic you will learn both forehand/backhand strokes, grips, footwork and some drills to take away and work on. 16 slots available CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS. PAYENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRAITON TO SECURE YOUR SPOT
Thursday, 4 - Intro to Pickleball
6-8- pm - Boeke Outdoor Hockey Rink Courts - $15 Read description at top of this page. This clinic is for people that have never played pickleball. 16 slots available. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR SLOT
More events to come!