Eat, Dink and Be Merry Holiday Open 12/10/21

Lesa and Steve

Matt you were nice all year!

Emilio and Fred

Erika, Jan, Mary Lee and the masked woman

Nancy and Dick

Teresa and Dave

Marie and Cade

Linda and Robin

Holiday contest winners - Jon (2nd), Jan (1st) and Robin (2nd tied)
Intro to Pickleball Clinic 12/5/21

12 new players

Practicing our serves

Practicing our serves
Beginning Pickleball Clinic - SRC 11/21/21

Practicing forehand and backhand drills on the wall

Garrett explaining the backhand stroke

Beginning Pickleball players

Let's practice what we learned!

More practicing

Practice makes perfect

Still more drilling
Intro to Pickleball Clinic - SRC 11/7/21

Eat, Dink and Be Scary Halloween Open Play 10/29/21

Bert - funniest, Kris - best, Robin - scariest

Dead man feast

Spider web pretzels

Girl Scout Kathy
Father Wayne

Unicorn Robin

Kitty Mary Lee


Monk John, with Julie Snow White and Kim the Seahawk fan
Great turnout

Spider deviled eggs


Twister Linda
Motley crew

Awesome balloon display
Naughty nun Marie with Father Wayne
Drop Shot Clinic 10/17/21

Drop shot participants

Peerooza working on her drop shot form

Ben explaining the next drill

Ben feeding balls for players to practice resetting
Intro to Pickleball Clinic 10/10/21

Practicing our serve

12 new players

Getting in a little play

Let's play!
Beginning Pickleball Clinic 9/26/2021

Working on backhand stroke

Learning the grip

Group photo

Working on backhand stroke before hitting balls

Practicing hitting backhands
Intro to Pickleball at SRC 9/19/21

Herb hitting a forehand

New pickleball players

Robin explaining a couple rules

Mack learning the serve with assistance Alan

We loved playing Pickleball!
2nd Season Beginner Round Robin Tournament 8/21/21

Winners Kara and Charlotte

Robin giving the briefing before play

Round robin play

Round robin play

Round robin play

Charlotte and Linda

Jenny putting the ball away

Mark hitting a volley

Jody in good position with paddle up

Jenny returning the ball

Ryan returning a serve on his way to the net

Trevor watching the ball

Linda returning and moving forward
Dink and Drive Round Robin Tournament 8/15/21

3rd place - Tom Keane and Julie Kilkenny, 1st place - Michelle Carreon and Wayne Vanderbilt, 2nd plate JanSims and Todd Loy

Out of towner, Julia getting ready to serve

Michelle getting it done

Men's 3rd place winner Tom Keane

Best "neon" outfit winner Vito Ungaro

APC board in deep discussion

Goody bags and good food

Taking a well deserved break between 14 games!


First round robin play

First round robin play

The gangs all here - 48 players

Matt wishing that he had signed up with Jeremy Jones
Matt, Marie and Pam
Men’s/Women’s Mixer 7/25/21

Men players

Visitor Jim Snethen

Lesly Peters and Jane Noonan

Women players

Steve Wong Clinics 7/21-23/21


Steve showing Kat how it is done

Steve starting the drill

4 hours of play so we have to stay nourished


Barb with Julia

Missi showing proper form

Intermediate Session #2

TJ hoping to hit the ball

Katherine hitting a backhand out in front

Julie hitting out in front

Advanced Session

Jane and visitor Cindy

Mary Ann, Leslie, Joe and Sen

Vistior Jim and Sen

Robin serving with partner Marty

Russ with pros Sara and Steve

Robin and Mark welcoming participants
Special Olympic Sessions 7/21/21

Doing coordination skills prior to hitting the ball

APC, Camp Shrive and ESPN banners

Listening to instructions before beginning

APC volunteers Charlie Schultz, Katherine Popely, Robin Walthour and Special Olympics coordinator Emily.

How many bounces did we get off our paddles

Group #2 fo 20 kids

Appreciation plaque to APC from Special Olympics

Kings/Queens of the Court Tourney 7/10/21

Kings of the Court - Tom Keane and Nolan Atkins

The commoners before play

Jami preparing a feast fit for royalty and commoners

Play begins on court 5

King Tom entertaining the presence of commoners Garrett and Missi

Play on court 1

Play on courts 1-3

Kings of the court with their Jester Linda
Men’s and Women’s Doubles Tourney 6/26/21

32 players and 1 mascot

Women's top 3, 2nd Michelle/Marie, 1st Mary Ann/Cindy and 3rd Heather and daughter Lauren

Junior Clinic 6/26/21

I got it

Thiis is how you hit the ball

Way to watch the ball

Great form!

We wanna play Ben!

Newest junior picklers
Solstice Play 6/21/21

Missi in her war solstice paint and Marty

The players that do not have to work the next morning!

Cloudy but a little sunshine showed up

Playing until 11:45 p.m.
Boeke Opening Ceremony 6/17/21

APC Board - Linda, Pam and Robin with Mayor Bronson

Getting ready to cut the pickleball ribbon to open the new Boeke courts

Our president Robin Walthour thanking the MOA and all the members for their support

Painting Boeke Courts 6/13-15/2021

Mark trying to drive straight

Calculating, snapping lines and taping

Pickler/APD Luis stopped by to check on progress and secure the site

Sunday, 6/13/21 the beginning - Doug, Chip, Mark, Dave, Theresa and Ardy

After clean up

Robin and Mark prepping first court for painting and inspection by MOA

Tami securing the tape after a tedious paper lay down

Before clean up
Beginners Tournament 6/12/21

Jackie, great form returning the ball - Photo Credit Trevor Jones

Charlie and Kara, who called it? Photo credit Trevor Jones

A determined Kathy - Photo credit Trevor Jones

Welcome and let's play - Photo credit Trevor Jones

Sean hitting a backhand - Photo credit Trevor Jones

The group, ready for fun!

Way to track it down, Michelle

Good game!

Brad And Peerooza moving as a team.

Ralph's got it!
3rd Shot Drop Clinic 6/10/21

2nd Beginner Clinic 6/10/21

2nd beginner clinic - welcomes 8 new players
Value Village Fundraiser 6/5/2021

Pam at the start of the day.

Our members came through BIG TIME - over 1300 lbs of donations!
Your trash is another's treasure. Great FunDrive
Member, Robert Bailey, sent his crew at GOT JUNK? to pick up and deliver.
Good job GOT JUNK? crew - very efficient - Thanks!
First Beginner Clinic 6/2/2021

4 beginners enjoying learning the game

Let's play 4 new players

I love this game - said all

Instructor Ben just had to get into the game with them

16 new pickleball players!!!
Memorial Day Barbecue 5/31/21

Almost 60 players showed up to play PB /Photo credit - Trevor Jones

Marie doing the sky hook with partner Michelle /Photo credit - Trevor Jones

Doug, Mark, Janelle and Linda /Photo credit - Trevor Jones

Grillmaster Joe - thanks /Photo credit - Trevor Jones

Member Ardy's creative treats

The patriotic ladies, Michelle, Marie, Jan and Robin
Janelle and Leslie

Nice spread

Lots of play

Visitors from Arizona supporting the club by buying a cap and it looks good on you!
The “Fun” Mixed Doubles Tourney 5/30/21

Betty, the best assistant ever!

Heather getting low for the ball with partner Tom

The "fun" players

Overall winners by points (1 pt) Maurice and Marie - congrats on the baby pickles

Jennifer was voted the "funniest" player

Luis and Kris
Player Rating Session 5/17/2021

Mark and Ben taking notes

Raters - Matt, Dave, Mark and Ben

Session in full swing

Matt and Dave watching carefully

Work in progress

More observations

Getting it done
Open play 5/6/21
Photo Credit: Trevor Jones

Marty watching the ball

Missi with her two handed backhand

Leslie working on ballet moves and pickleball

Get it John.

Ginge the club mascot and greeter

Bucket says it all
Open play 5/1/21

A little chilly, but didn't stop us Alaskans!

I just love this game he says

Matt stylin' in a tank top

Laurie and Jim

Bert watching for new moves

Luis and Robin

Garrett and Marta

Marie anticipating her next shot

Another great game

Tom and Duane
Shovel Party at Taku 4/24/21

The "before" picture. Photo credit to Trevor Jones

Linda hard at work. Photo credit to Trevor Jones

Jennifer and Ralph shoveling. Photo credit to Trevor Jones

Ginge indicating this is the next section to be chipped. Photo credit to Trevor Jones

Robin chipping away.

Shovelers trying to keep up with Robin.

Half way done

Garret and Jennifer working as a team.

Team work!

Ben and Luis clearing the edges

The "end" picture, job well done!
Membership Drive open play 4/17/21

APC Information Table

Peter and Telon



Mer and Ralph


Marty and Luis


Marty and Peter

Robin, Telon, Vance and Leslie

Leslie and Robin


APC table of info and goodies



Linda, Vance, Telon and Marty

Taking a break





General Membership Meeting 10/2020
Photos courtesy of Trevor Jones

Michelle, Stephanie and Jan





Kris and Joe


Luis and JC


